Saturday, October 22, 2011

Umbrella Files: Edward Ashford

Edward Ashford was one of the three founders of Umbrella Pharmaceutical, Inc. Sir Edward Ashford was a childhood friend of fellow aristocrat Ozwell E. Spencer, and the promising virologist James Marcus. Ashford was a consummate scientific mind, possessing none of the overzealous ambitions for power and wealth that his co-founders: Spencer and Marcus, were so driven to achieve. However, Ashford contracted the Progenitor virus and died in 1968, possibly sparing him the wrath of the treacherous Spencer, who had his remaining co-founder; Marcus, assassinated to bolster his position within the Umbrella Corporation. The Progenitor virus would eventually lead to the horrors of the t-virus, and Ashford’s own grandchildren, Alfred and Alexia, would visit their own terrors upon humanity.
Status: Deceased

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