Thursday, November 3, 2011

Umbrella B.O.W Files: Web Spinner

B.O.W. Model: "Web Spinner"
Base Organism: Unknown (various)
Category: Arachnid / Tarantula
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Order: Araneae
Suborder: Mygalomorphae
Family: Theraphosidae
Subfamily: Ornithoctoninae
Genus: Haplopelma
Species: ???
Length: 200-300cm
Height: 60cm
Width [including legs]: 200cm

 The "Web Spinner" is a B.O.W. based on large-size venomous spiders, developed by the Umbrella Corporation during early experiments with the t-virus in an attempt to find a viable B.O.W. base.


The Web Spinner was an early B.O.W. that was developed after researchers at the Arklay Laboratory noted the dramatic growth effects of the t-virus on regular spiders accidentally infected with it. After this discovery was made the Arklay B.O.W. research team shifted its focus to naturally larger spiders and the effects the virus would have upon a tarantula. It was under consideration as a B.O.W. due to its movement capabilities which allowed it to reach virtually anywhere, making it an excellent weapon. However their limited intelligence and inability to understand commands over it drastically reduced their effectiveness as a weapon.

A mutated form of the Web Spinner known as the "Black Tiger" based on red-kneed tarantulas was also recorded. A cousin of the Web Spinner optimized for hot and humid environments was later developed by Umbrella based on a South American jumping spider; the Jumping Maneater. "Wild" Web Spinners can be found in the form of the Giant Spider - since the virus exhibits great stability and adaptability between most spider species, there is very little difference.

Web Spinners showed great potential as a B.O.W. due to their natural spider mobility, being able to climb on walls and ceilings with ease and attack with their acidic venom. This mobility also allowed it to disperse the t-virus to places other creatures cannot, and over a wider radius. However their lack of intelligence and capacity to follow orders greatly limited their potential, rendering them almost useless as weapons due to their inability to adhere to commands. Their primary method of attack is the use of their highly acidic venom,
as the virus ironically took away their ability to spin webs.

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